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Re: [microsound] Cutting edge???
> Another word that means shit to me now and forever
> more: "EXPERIMENTAL." (I do like the word
> "fascinatic" though ;-)
here's a part of one interview i made with andreas
tilliander, and his thoughts about experimental music
(by the way i agree with that also):
Question (me): Don't you think the whole meaning of
the phrase 'experimental music' is constantly
changing, it's like an ever-changing cathegory. If
some music is experimental that doesn't automatically
mean that it's difficult for listening. Many of the
Mille Plateaux artists make musics that are considered
to be experimental, but that musics are at the same
time very listenable (easy-listening), like for
example your album 'Ljud', or Frank Bretschneider's
album 'Curve'.
Answer (andreas tilliander/mokira): Today there are so
many minimalclickelectronic artists so that can't be
concidered experimental anymore, can it? The term
'experimental music' is kind of silly. I really don't
think that 'Ljud' is experimental, when it was
released journalists kept saying that it was
groundbreaking but I never thought of it as
experimental. For me it's popmusic in many ways. I
mean, I even got nominated for a grammy with that
album. Maybe it's more experimental than Linkin Park,
if I'm the one to decide. But I'm sure that the Linkin
Park members think they sound fresh and somewhat
experimental. I haven't heard 'Curve' yet.
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