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Re: [microsound] Cutting edge???

agreed on almost everything, with comments:

=1. "Cutting edge," "revolutionary," "experimental," and "progressive," are 
=now ghosts of meaning thanks to lexicographical abuse.

for me term "experimental" does not mean the music behind it is something new, i think "experimental" means that the people tried experimenting with ideas they have (who says the result is great or totally new ?).

=3. Ideas surrounding microsound/lowercase, and many other methodologies, 
=are no different or newer than ideas that have been in place for decades. 

Cage == lowercase;
Xenakis, Boules, Nano, Ligetti (and others academic composers) == microsound.

=Making music 
=with laptops isn't different from making music from splicing tape, 
=which isn't different from making music with radios, which isn't 
=different from making music with phonographs, the theremin, the telharmonium.

disagreed, theremin, telharmonium and "Simphony for dot matrix printers ([the User]) " are totally diffenrent from each others, otherwise there is no difference between a human or a tree.