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RE: [microsound] post digital

 "post-digital" for me, connotes something of a relationship more in line
with an "after the honeymoon" situation, where one discovers the inherent
flaws, idiosynchrosies, and quirks in that relationship. it also relates to
the Modernism/Post-Modernism relationship.

Once upon a time, computer music and "being digital" (to use Negropontes
phrase) refered to a certain kind of purity (in a general sense) and a
certain kind of control (or a particularly pure lack of control). For me,
"post-digital" speaks to a kind of approach or even realization that
computers and digital processes are far from pure, clean, perfect slaves to
the intent of their programmers, but instead exhibit all manner of weird/
unpredictable responses that fall outside of "intent". Glitches. System

Post-digital art explores these regions and their aesthetic.

David Fodel
Publishing Systems Manager
Wild Oats Markets
3375 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
Direct: 720-562-4831
Fax: 303-938-8474

> ----------
> From: 	Jethro
> Reply To: 	microsound
> Sent: 	Friday, June 14, 2002 10:53 AM
> To: 	microsound
> Subject: 	Re: [microsound] post digital
> > Chemical? Biological?
> Well, biological would be singing, clapping, etc., so
> that's pre-digital.  Chemical - if drug use while
> making music, that would be pre-digital as well.  If
> actually using and mixing chemicals to create music,
> now there's something else, but it seems to have a
> more analog nature.
> Post-digital seems to me to be inaccurate.  Microsound
> and lowercase are clearly analogous to the music
> created.  
> ...yes, pun intended...
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