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Re: [microsound] mixing tips/software
on 6/14/02 9:00 AM, Robert Green at robert_green@xxxxxxx wrote:
> The recent software discussion has spurred me to ask a question
> regarding mixing. Whenever I attempt to achieve that "natural,
> enviroment, cohesive, sound (or any mixing in general really) such as
> kim , taylor , richard etc., my sounds always sound out of place,
> clunky, more or less wrong. I am happy with the sounds individually, but
> no matter what i do to the panning/levels etc., I just cannot get a
> smooth mix. Does anyone have any tips on how to attain a cohesive mix,
> or perhaps software that approaches mixing in a non-conventional (i.e.
> protools,etc.) manner/interface? Thanks.
When you say 'mix' it sounds more like a social situation to me. Perhaps a
different haircut , new summer attire , or reading Henry James. .