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Re: [microsound] eno burroughs laurie

> Yeah, Burroughs did collaborate with Laurie
> Anderson, both on the previously
> mentioned "home of the brave"...

the track is called 'listen to my heartbeat', there is
burroughs voice treated in fantastic way by laurie
anderson. is burroughs a writer?, sorry, i don't know,
i haven't read any of his books, just know the name
from laurie albums.

but this laurie track is really... ... i don't know
what english word to use here, the track is AMAZING,
my english vocabulary is not too good to explain the
greatness of this track. an example of ~experimenting~
with ... hmm.. .. is it music? no i don't think so,
laurie is not music, her work goes on some other
lavel. it's home of the brave lavel. when i first
heard this album i was wondering why the title 'home
of the brave'. now i guess i can understand and it's
more and more obvious - you got to be brave to create
that music. 'listen to my heartbeat' is surely one of
the best 3 songs i've ever heard. it's even more
fantastic when you see laurie performing it live in
the movie/performance of this album.

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