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Re: [microsound] post-digital post-rock

maybe there can be found some similarity between this
2 terms.

rock = guitar+bass+drums (+ other instruments)

post-rock = the same + often instruments like
xilophones (did i used the right word?) and similar
ones. but the basic characteristic of post-rock is the
not-rock use of rock instruments. and the results are
amazing - tortoise, sea & cake, isotope217, chicago
duo, whole thrill jockey and kranky labels, mogwai,
kitty yo...
but, it's known that the term post-rock was coined by
one journalist (what was his name?) who was trying to
explain tortoise sound in wire magazine i think.
basically, there are many different sounds of
different bands, and music journalists make up terms
to explain the sounds. probably the same thing can be
said about electronic/digital/post-digital terms.
and maybe post-digital can be explaine as: using the
same elements that digital music uses, but in
different ways.

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