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twine + recorder [bleep11]

twine + recorder [bleep11]

this is amazing music. twine sound tends to be
groundbreaking from the start and is more difficult
listening, but also very much rewarding music. it's
funny how vladislav delay 'anima'/'naima' albums are
pretty much easy-listening, but are also very much
groundbreaking at the same time. 'recorder' also
breaks many unknown new grounds, but it's definitely
more demanding and difficult-listening than 'anima'.
twine play with ambients, atmospheres, tones,
melodies, rhythms, tiny click-sounds, but for me is
specially amazing how they play with noise, the first
track from this album ? 'none some silver' ? is really
brilliant. there are many noises and distorted sounds
in this track, but they're not just random sounds. the
whole noise sound in this track becomes more like
ambient. really great. i wonder how it sounds played
live, it must be amazing. this album, again, fits the
-challenging music- "concept" of bip-hop label, a
label without any concrete concept about releasing
music and definitely one of the best labels i've found about.~

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