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Re: [microsound] copyright...-data loss

I never heard of this way of copyrighting, but I say - let it go, David, it
was 7 years ago - I am sure you've written a lot of much better stuff since
then. Conceptually one can say it wasn't even you who wrote this song - it
was some David Miller who existed 7 years ago....

This rises another question, by the way - how do you, list-members feel
about losing stuff
you wrote because of disk crashes, unintentional deletion, etc. ? (probably
happened to each one of us) Is this a trauma, a tragedy, or a blessing, a
chance to start over again?

----- Original Message -----
From: "david miller" <damille@xxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 3:09 PM
Subject: [microsound] copyright...

> copyright question...  though it is, sorta, off topic...  sorry...
> i've always heard that a very cheap but semi effectvie form
> of copyrighting your music is just recording it to a cd, and mailing
> it to yourself.  and never opening the package you sent it in.
> i guess i'm asking everyone with 'real' copyright experience etc.
> what your take on this is.
> the reason i ask is: a former band of mine from 7 years ago just recorded
> song
> that i, literally, half wrote - after ditching those songs immediately
> i quit 7 years ago...
> anyway, i don't expect that they'd give me any kind of
> credit for songwriting, though that's what they SHOULD do...
> and i've long since done this cheap form of copyrighting on that half of
> song i wrote,
> as well as the other stuff i wrote from that period.
> so i was wondering what you all might have to say about it.
> thanks!
> david
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