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Re: [microsound] monitor speakers
i use a pair of Spirit Absolute 2 monitor speakers in my studio...
and i am quite satisfied with them. the price isn't that high,
i bought them 2 years ago for 2600 dkk (danish kroner)
which converts to 340 us$
pale_mother recordings
c/o Kasper Bolding Rasmussen
Marselisborg Alle 1c st th
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Mindwerk Records
Ny Munkegade 74b
DK-8000 Aarhus C
----- Original Message -----
From: mbleming@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: microsound
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 6:24 AM
Subject: [microsound] monitor speakers
hi, i'm looking to buy a pair of monitor speakers and was wondering if
anyone would be able to steer me in the right direction. I'd be using them
with my laptop, ems synth, gadgets, etc..... I'm tired of listening to my
expensive gear on $30 crap computer speakers!. I'm looking to spend less
than $500 for the pair. I need them to hold up to extreme noise and
"microsound" or lowercase sounds as well. Can anyone recommend a brand or
model that they are extemely happy with? Also, I kinda clueless about this
stuff, but is there anything else that would be essential to the setup, such
as a mixer, etc..... thanks,
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