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Re: monitor speakers

I have seen this type of comment come up a couple of times on this list when it comes to conversations about monitors. I would like to point out that studio reference monitors are supposed to have a flat frequency response, not sound warm or harsh or anything like that. Their purpose is to show you what your music "REALLY" sounds like unlike consumer electronics which make no attempt at flat frequency repsonse and instead are designed to "enhance" your music according to what (some) people really want out of music (ie rolling off the high end and boosting the bass). Basically this boils down to your intent in purchasing monitors, there are measurements for monitors frequency response and ways of finding them out, but if finding the flatest freqency response comes second to how they sound then, these measurements don't matter and what people say about "the best" or whatever do not matter either. So is your intent to hear your music as it really is (which most consumer audio equipment will not do) or is your intent to have a something to listen to your music on while you create it that pleases your ears. There are many more factors to consider such as placement and preexisting accoustics of the room you are using them in but this all can come after you decide what you want out of monitors. I hope this doesn't come off of as a rant, or too harsh and I leave open the possibility that I have it all wrong, but my advice is to discern your intent in purchasing monitors, and then proceed. One way will lead you down a fairly straightforward "listening to see you what you like" path, the other will lead you down a twisting path of brochures, books on accoustics and asing a lot of questions from very opinionated people.

Good Luck,

°andreas° s writes:

i also use these but am not that much happy with em..
to my ears they sound a bit harsh or 'hard'...
cannot really find the right words but theres some
warmness missing ...

> i use a pair of Spirit Absolute 2 monitor speakers
in my studio...
> and i am quite satisfied with them. the price
isn't that high,
> i bought them 2 years ago for 2600 dkk (danish
> which converts to 340 us$
> > http://www.soundcraft.com/products/absolute2.html
> > -vomitus-
> >