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Re: [microsound] death of internet radio......fight back!! now

On 6/21/02 at 4:47 PM, tobias v <tobias@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This is a much larger blow to one's general non-commercial freedoms

True, these entities will perhaps have to take steps to formalize their
non-commercial status. Or as you said, move off-shore to operate more

I think it's also worth considering the threat to "independent" music
from commercial entities like satellite and cable radio services.

As the American public backs away from generalized use of the Internet
via general purpose computers, the narrow demographic slices* that the
Internet has shown are commercially viable will continue to be exploited
through separate "appliances."

What I'm referring to are things like satellite and cable radio and so
forth, where you're likely to have a "cricket sound" channel,
"screaming" channel and (surely) a "microsound" channel that you can
turn to 24/7. (I think some of this has existed in Japan for a number of

These services are blatently commercial and not "independent" or
"non-profit" in any way. So sadly, extending the rights of authorship to
them does prevent them from ripping off artists like Kim, Kotra, Pimmon,
etc. Or creates a potential for additional revenue for these artists.

It's quite a dilemma. Most of the precedent for these actions were
established in the 30's when educational broadcasting was marginalized
for commercial benefit. So these recent actions are simply extended a
deeply entrenched precedent over new techno-cultural manifestations.

The story is well told in Eric Barnouw's _The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern


* try _The Clustered World_ by Michael J. Weiss or punch in your Zip
Code at:
