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Re: [microsound] death of the underground in calif
"sufficiently knowledgeable about illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia that
they or their agents can recognize the presence of drugs and drug
paraphernalia at the event. "
-->This is fascinating. What constitutes "sufficient knowledge"? Ie,
how does one obtain knowledge that is by law _illegal_ ? iIn the US, even
books on drugs are banned, and from what I recall, certain laws against
knowledge _of_ drugs were used to shut down DanceSafe and other
information-oriented youth drug booths and services.
This is a fine bit of law that any rave promoter with half a brain will
hopefully twist and turn to their advantage.
To be honest, this law is more fair than either the Florida State Laws
("Crackhouse Laws") or Vancouver's law, which states a rave is any
gathering over 100 people listening to electronic music, which made throwing
anything legally below about 1500 people completely unfeasible.
The weird thing is, is a microsound or experimental show a "rave" ?
Well, enough rhetorical questions. These sorts of generally repressive laws
that restrict human gathering and turn all forms of communal expression and
enjoyment into policed events coupled with the RIAA's attempt to make all
music a capitalist & commercial commodity just furthers my long-held beliefs
that today's society is a sick society. The transmission of
representation--which also encompasses the ability to transmit value, ie
money--has greatly reduced our general sense of ethos and poesis, despite
our increased "global knowledge."
> Check out this page, not only are they now banning webcasting, but in
> California they're banning any grouping of more than a couple hundred
> people that features "electronic sound".
> http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_1901-1950/ab_1941_bill_20020515_amen
> ded_asm.html
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tobias c. van Veen -----------
------------- tobias@xxxxxxxxx
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