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14.06.02 - Framework playlist
Framework is broadcast alternate Friday nights on Resonance FM, 104.4 in London, UK or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 9-10pm GMT.
Next broadcast: 28.06.02
Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by Joel Stern and Patrick McGinley
This was our first broadcast, so we tried to get our air-legs and give a brief overview of what our hopes for the show are. We broadcast until 10:30 this week, starting with several tracks from the phonography.org compilations, then moving in to more composed territory and finishing with a live performance for remote kitchen activity down a telephone line by Romuald Wadych. Upcoming live appearances include Jonathan Coleclough and myself (murmer) on July 12th, and sawako on July 28th.
Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings or field recording based composition. We are also hoping to have live performances every show, so if you are in London please get in touch!
31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL
DALE LLOYD - old snoqualmie train tunnel - phonography.org 1 (phonography.org, USA)
MURMER - escalator at pimlico tube station - phonography.org 2 (phonography.org, USA)
JON TULCHIN - Tree Creatures - phonography.org 1 (phonography.org, USA)
JOSH RUSSELL - transgenic bacteria freezing in a dry ice/methanol bath - phonography.org 3 (phonography.org, USA)
MARCELO RADULOVICH - rehearsal at st. francis college, san jose, costa rica - phonography.org 2 (phonography.org, USA)
http://www.phonography.org, info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
TOYISHA TSUNODA - Bottle at park: Yokosuka central park, Fukadadai (Yokosuka city, Kanagawa prefecture) - Extract from field recording archive #2: The vibration inside a hollow (Hapna, Sweden) http://www.hapna.com, info@xxxxxxxxx
ALAN LAMB - Primal Image (extract) - Primal Image (Dorobo, Australia) http://home.mira.net/~dorobo/dorobo.html, dorobo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ILLUSION OF SAFETY - Not Good - Water Seeks It's Own Level (Silent, USA) http://www.illusionofsafety.com, info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AARON BERGMAN - tracks 4 & 5 - The Shed Record (Diskono, UK) http://www.onoksid.freeserve.co.uk/ , http://www.luckykitchen.com
TOY.BIZARRE - chapitre 2 - kdi dctb 02 (duebel, Germany) http://www.kaon.org, label@xxxxxxxx
MICHAEL PRIME - fusilli - Domestic Science (Mycophile, UK) mikep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
THE QUIET AMERICAN - track 1 (extract) - tessellation: moments in burma (cdr) www.quietamerican.org