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Re: [microsound] (ot nord modular query)

> Hello fine sirs. I recently downloaded a bunch of nord
> modular patches ...whilst flicking through these i
> noticed that several of the patches where created by
> Taylor Dupree and they sounded very nice indeed (+had
> interesting structures). I was wondering if anyone on
> the list had any patches that were suited to composing
> lowercase/microsound. The patches that most interested
> me used pattern generators and key quantizers to
> generate shifting patterns.  If there are any modular
> using list members that would be interested in sharing
> any patches I would appreciate it massively as I
> imagine that the soundmakers on the list would have
> some inspired/ing patches that would be great to learn
> from. 
> Thanks and sorry for being OT.
> Your`s Toadyingly
> jase

Wow!!  Great idea, Jase!! Contact me, offlist, plz...I´m a hug Nord Modular
fan ... it could be really funny :)

 I heard Brettschneider & Deupree  "BALANCE"   was made using shared Nord
Modular patches, 

