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ot nord modular query

>You should be making your own patches and not
duplicating the tired
>structures of others.  The point is to create not
copy and churn out a 
>of crap.
>Are you a lemming?

Don`t be so nasty Marc. You have made a number of
assumptions and wound yourself up. Firstly I have had
my modular for about 6months now and have made plenty
of my own patches but when i tried out some others
recently i found that there was aspects to the synths
design that i was unfamilar with and and therefore
asked for more examples so that i could learn for
myself how exactly the modules werked. Maybe you`ve
not used a modular but the structure of the synth can
have little effect on the nature of the sounds created
as the nord has so many variables. I`m just interested
to see how similiarly tasted folk might be using the

>The point is to create not copy and churn out a 
>of crap.

 Do you think I want to be a Richard Chartier cover
artist or something. Your mannor is extremely
patronizing and condesending, and i think you`ve
probably made a pretty poor impression of yourself to
the list. I suggest you abstain from e-mails for 7
days and mediate on your errors.

>Are you a lemming?

You may be nasty but you are highly perceptive. I am
indeed a lemming. Indeed i`m the first ever lemming to
use the internet. There are however many lemmings
following me to copy my pioneering world wide web
adventures. You may insult them if you like. 

thanks to all who responded positively:)


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