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Re: [microsound] (ot) (Slightly) Politics + electronic Music

on 7/1/02 3:28 PM, neil jendon at n2eil@xxxxxxxxx or somebody wrote:

> ...but seriously, for me, the choice of playing
> computer alone as opposed to a traditional instrument
> in a traditional band is an easy one. I got fully sick
> of hammering on the same song day after day. Every
> song started to look like marching orders, regardless
> of the intent of the composer.

I have found repetition to be an inescapable pill which comes in variously
(un)appetising flavours and is ignorant of the style of music I'm playing
and how many people are in the band.

However, the arrest of the slide to boredom and monotony for me is the key
to improvement, as it leads inexorably to deeper analysis of my "shit". In
that way even the most dreary hotel gig can be worked to advantage, if you
have the stomach for it.

Do you still have politics if there's only one of you?

Who was it that said "I know there's a balance, I see it every time I swing
past" - it was somebody like Pat Metheny wasn't it?

> Also, I wonder if Sly's band would agree that the
> playing situation was egalitarian.

No chance.

