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Re: [AudioFix] Record Industry Plants Decoys To Foil Fans of Free Web Tunes
On 7/15/02 at 7:43 AM, UbuWeb Editorial Staff <ubuweb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >"The growing prevalence of 'spoofed' song files -- essentially
> >digital decoys that contain annoying squawks, bursts of static
> >or endless loops of a piece of the song"
> I wonder if they're going to be spoofing, say, Stockhausen or
> Fennesz. Might make a nifty remix.
> IMHO, the spoofs sound great. Better, of course, than the
> "real" music of Britney, et al. I think I'm gonna go get a
> bunch of spoofs and throw 'em in my shares. Who've thunk the
> record industry would encourage the avant-garde...
There's quite a bit of interest in this on Kim Cascone's <microsound>
list. Group projects are common there, and talk is that they might do a
microsound take on spoofs.
I haven't gotten the impression that anyone has turned up many of these
spoofs, though. Have you found some?