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Re: [microsound] [ot] Coil

thank you

p> Just wanted to inform you all...or those interested in Coil that
p> there are available downloads of 2 Live Concerts and a 4 hour 
p> long Dutch radio program with interviews, unreleased tracks,
p> and other interesting stuff. These downloads are totally free
p> as long as no one get any profit out of it. At least that was
p> what John Balance said. Enjoy!

p> -Kasper
p> www.mindwerk.dk/pale_mother
p> www.monobond.cjb.net

p> Coil - Live at New Forms III Festival -Den Haag -June 7th 2002 
p> http://www.vanleeuwen.to/coil/download.php?get=CoilLiveAtNewFormsIII

p> Coil - Live at Paradiso -Amsterdam June 1st 2001
p> http://www.vanleeuwen.to/coil/download.php?get=CoilLiveAtParadiso

p> Coil - DUtch Radio 4 -June 18th 2001
p> http://www.vanleeuwen.to/coil/download.php?get=CoilDutchRadio4SupplementDisc1
p> http://www.vanleeuwen.to/coil/download.php?get=CoilDutchRadio4SupplementDisc2
p> http://www.vanleeuwen.to/coil/download.php?get=CoilDutchRadio4SupplementDisc3
p> http://www.vanleeuwen.to/coil/download.php?get=CoilDutchRadio4SupplementDisc4

k o t r a    