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RE: [microsound] benchmark

anechoic wrote: ...its as silly as calling something
"classical" or "baroque"

or pooterschnitzel/pooterschnittstelle.

David Fodel
Publishing Systems Manager
Wild Oats Markets
3375 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
Direct: 720-562-4831
Fax: 303-938-8474

> ----------
> From: 	anechoic
> Reply To: 	microsound
> Sent: 	Thursday, July 18, 2002 10:05 AM
> To: 	microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: 	[microsound] benchmark
> >Making record sales the benchmark for an distiction between pop and
> >"serious"music  only highlights the aesthetic irrelevance of trying to
> build
> >a fence around academic-sponsored music.
> it isn't that academic music builds a fence around itself as much as some
> disciplines don't willingly allow pop media to pillage its storehouse of
> siginfiers for the sake of manufacturing a demand for a product...
> a good example is the term "experimental music"...the term experimental
> has
> been used lately in order to create demand (aura) for pop based music
> events...attaching the phrase "experimental music" creates a sense of
> novelty and exoticness...going to this sort of socialized event makes you
> part of a breed of cutting edged cultural demographic: successful
> advertising is a result of attaching the potential of a better self-image
> thru the consumption of a product...20 years ago if you saw the term
> "experimental music" on a flyer it would have led you to a very different
> sort of event...most likely an event without DJ's...now that the term has
> been appropriated and the signifier emptied, the music that it refers to
> is
> not really experimental but points to a host of other cultural values that
> have very little to do with the original meaning of the term...and yes the
> term can be applied to many disciplines without fear of misuse but my
> point
> is that within pop music many signifiers are recycled without a real
> understanding of the original meaning...its as silly as calling something
> "classical" or "baroque" without prepending a classifier such as "neo" or
> "new"...
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