here is a definition of pop I wrote to a friend of is not a
completely air-tight definition but was more of a thinking through of
certain issues I have been dealing with in my writing of late...
pop culture is a realm of media where large corporations spend gobs of
money to create demand for content, a personailty, or an aura that the
lowest common denominator can comprehend, desire and consume...this is
based on desire or wanting to attach some personal/emotional value to said
artist/content...but again, this desire is manufactured by a network of
media nodes...
the art world does not rely on this as much as pop media...hence pop
>culture often does not include the subset of the art world...there are
>artists such as Andy Warhol and Keith Haring who have crossed over into
pop media but more often than not art and pop tend to belong to separate
camps, each one operating by different codes, values and rules...
the better way to see pop culture is not as something that becomes popular
but when the populus embraces a cultural artifact...pop has come to imply
'populus,' not 'popular' and has come to replace the phrase 'folk' in
most repsects...
this is based on the ideas of the resonance model of pop culture as
outlined in the "Responsive Chord" by Tony Schwartz as well as Attali...
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