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Re: [microsound] BUZZ tracker
There's not much mac freeware like buzz that I could think of, but
Reacktor for the mac is really more stable than buzz and can do everything
buzz does. There's nothing quite like buzz in a way, a very cool but often
unstable program. The problem with the mac is that most of the software is
too expensive, though linux software is slowly but surely migrating to the
mac. Protools won't run on mac osx, which is why apple bought emagic, to
make a replacement. There's Samplecell for the mac which will let you load
in yoru own samples as instruments and then you can sequence sample cell
from a sequencer like digital performer. I used to sequence with vision on
mac os 7.0 but now use only linux cause I'm a cheap bastardo.
On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, jake elliott wrote:
> on the subject of buzz, does anyone know of a comparably easy/powerful
> piece of software for the mac platform?
> my girlfriend was just getting good with buzz before i pulled the rug
> out from under her and switched to a Mac.
> jvr;
> --
> http://homepage.mac.com/robotobor/
> ---- Nathan Snider <snider@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Also buzz is a great app, sounds wonderful, tons of interesting native
> > > generators and effects, super creative program, if you have a PC
> > try it
> > out,
> > > it runs a tracker and its all keyboard short cut style designed for
> > live
> > > performance, but its un-stable as hell. I think Jeskola works for
> > fruity
> > > loops now? There is a good list for music with buzz on yahoo groups.
> > bla
> > > bla bla,,, caffine makes me a nut.
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