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Re: [microsound] 10 microsound albums?
le 7/19/02 9:38 PM, Andrei à andrei@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, Louis Dufort wrote:
>> 2. If yes, can you point me out some classic microsound albums or
>> artists ?
> I guess some of these would be considered genre defining:
> Bernhard Gunter : un peu de neige salie
> Oval : Systemische & 94 Diskont
> Ryoji Ikeda : +/- & 0'C
> Farmers Manual : FSCK
> Fennesz : Plays
> Pita : Seven Tons For Free
> Andrei
Would it be accurate to say that "microsound" music is mainly "Minimal
electronic" music, especially for those artists that are incorporating some
horizontal sounds such as a room tones, feedbacks or pure waves? Unless
one suggest that a room tone, a feedback or a sine wave is construct of a
series of little period, hence grain... Is the term "minimal-electronic-
music" is already in use to determine a specific esthetic?
May sound silly but to me microsound is so much attach to the synthesis
techniques (granular, FFT, pulsar etc) that I'm having trouble to identify a
musical genre to it. That's why having album exemples clear thing up.