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RE: [microsound] math anxiety
On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, pelagius pelagius wrote:
> Exactly. Math is a man-made system that can be used to describe the world
> but the world itself is not "made-up" of math.
Music is a man-made "system" also though, isn't it ?
You don't encounter sound organized as "music" in the manner in
which humans organize it anywhere else in nature.
<armchair philosophy>
And man exists within and is part of "the world", it's not as if man is
making observations about the world from outside of the world. And if
everything in the universe in interrelated man must be
reflecting/observing things which are part of the world.
</armchair philosophy>
> Many people seem to confuse the model for the real thing.
So are you saying that our ways of analyzing and observing the world don't
actually reflect the "real world" ?