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book list

Critical Art Ensemble 'Digital Resistance: Explorations in Tactical Media' 
(Autonomedia, 2001). Of particular interest to the list may be the final 
chapter 'The Financial Advantages of Anti-Copyright' although the whole book 
is certainly worth reading. Available online at <www.critical-art.net>

Critical Art Ensemble 'The Electronic Disturbance' (Autonomedia, 1994) <

Matossian, Nouritza 'Xenakis' (Faber, 1996) -  very good and intimate 

Xenakis and Feldman 'In Conversation: Iannis Xenakis and Morton Feldman' <

While looking through papers to find a transcript of the conversation above I 
came across a couple of papers that may interest some of you. Two english 
translations of seminars on music given by Gilles Deleuze in '77 and '78. One 
at IRCAM, the other I'm not sure about but quite possibly also IRCAM. As far 
as I know english translations of these have not appeared anywhere. As many 
of you will know while Deleuze often refers to music in his writing it is 
rare for him to talk specifically about music. Email me off the list and I'll 
forward the papers to anyone interested.

Kristeva, Julia 'Revolt, She Said' (Semiotext(e), 2002). I recommend reading 
this in parallel with Felix Guattari's 'Soft Subversions' (Semiotext(e), 1996)

Dyer-Witheford, Nick 'Cyber Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High 
Technology Capitalism' (University of Illinois Press, 1999) available online 
at <www.fims.uwo.ca/people/faculty/dyerwitheford> - unnecessarily dense in 
parts but it contains many gems

Nietzsche, Friedrich 'The Birth of Tragedy' (while there are many different 
editions of this I highly recommend getting one that contains the foreword 'A 
Critical Backward Glance'. Unfortunately the cheapest, Dover Thrift Editions, 
does not contain this). While I have not read this in quite some time all 
this talk of the  supposedly oppositional positions in music of 
"intellectual/anti-intellectual or nonintellectual", "pop/avant-garde" etc 
got me to thinking about Nietzsche's duality of Apollonian/Dionysian art and 
I was reminded of what a fantastic book on music this really is.

Cleaver, Harry 'Reading Capital Politically' (AK and Antithesis, 2000). 
Essential reading as an introduction to autonomous marxism and the continuing 
validity of using Marx's writings in analysing (and acting in) the 
contemporary world.