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>But a system of signs
>(+-*/=, a^2+b^2=c^2, etc) used in complexity to represent a multitude of
>signifieds is, by Saussure's definition, language.
something like that...I just came across some of Saussure's (or was it C.S.
Peirce?) ideas in a text I was reading not too long ago (will have to hunt
that down) but he says in essence that it is the accumulation of signs that
drive the overall linguistic structure to meaning...an arbitrary sytem of
signs (like the sound examples you listed earlier) whose cultural context
shapes its 'meaning' does not constitute a language per se...
mathematics allows humans a method with which to both shape and describe
the external world...also, mathematics serves as an interchange format that
allows us to shape one structure with the data set from another structure...