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Re: [microsound] Is microsound boring?
(And what's so great about being cutting-edge anyway?)
I thought you liked cutting-edge, two sentences ago? Courageous and
cutting-edge = good; avant-garde posture = bad? :) (Also, I must
admit I had a quibble with the construct "avant-garde posture". To
me, that implies a voluntary attempt to adopt some kind of
treacherous behavior, a portrayal which I feel is not entirely
accurate... [emphasis on entirely ;)])<<
Me again:
Actually, my own music is not at all cutting-edge, at least not in
the superficially-cutting-edge ways that have been bandied about here
in the last couple of weeks. I'm aware that those are fighting words
in this context. Partly I'm playing devil's advocate: I want to
question the tendency in this discussion to (over)value theoretical
or conceptual sophistication. And for the rest, I'm expressing a
genuinely felt skepticism about new music's insularity and elitism.
But these are just my personal opinions. No artist in the world needs
justification from me! People should do what they feel is best.
Some formative experiences for me: listening to a whole bunch of
pieces described in tantalizing terms in Paul Griffith's _the
avant-garde since 1945_, hating them all, and falling in love with
music again when I turned to Steve Reich's _Tehillim_ ... being
fascinated by critical theory for many years, and then discovering
that Thich Nhat Hanh writes more deeply using very simple, almost
childlike language ... hearing a disarming power in Vietnamese
Buddhist chants and songs that blows away, with simple *presence*,
most of what I've heard from the European or American of avant-garde.
There's avant-garde music that I like, but I find it to be the
exception rather than the rule. Am I closed minded? Maybe ... but
after eight years of playing the grad school game (successfully, I
might add), I'm quite happily looking for scenes where those games
are unnecessary. I'd rather play different games :) as I know I will
have to do.
Don't mind me, I'm just very opinionated about this :)
PS Examples of my music at http://www.mp3.com/dewdrop_world --
Mahboonkrong encounter is the closest I've come to realizing my
spirituality in music. Candle dance is my latest.
______ | "To be thoroughly lazy is a tough
\ / H. James Harkins | job, but somebody has to do it.
\ / jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx | Industrious people build industry.
\/ | Lazy people build civilization."
| -- Kazuaki Tanahashi
"Never does hatred cease by hating in return; only through love
can hatred come to an end. Victory breeds hatred; the conquered
dwell in sorrow and resentment. They who give up all thought of
victory or defeat may be calm and live happily at peace."
-- Dhammapada