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techNOH new releases | birthday celebrations



a bumper crop of releases this time, including our first 'compilation' ...

various artists 10x1x2x30 [10.00]

to mark our second anniversary - which we're admittedly a little late in
celebrating... belated congratulations are always so much sweeter - we
present this electic suite of short works by contemporary international
electronic composers. ten one minute tracks stitched together to form a
layered birthday cake where every mouthful offers up different and
contrasting flavours...

10x1x2x30 features, in order of appearance

stephan mathieu [germany]
chris dooks [scotland]
alistair crosbie [scotland]
nad spiro [spain]
brian lavelle [scotland]
k m krebs [canada]
kim cascone [usa]
tobias kazumichi grime [australia]
alain jans [france]
sony_mao [usa]

books on tape smartass [7.46]

smartass is an excellent, and uncommonly lengthy, offering from todd
drootin's books on tape project. it was todd's avowed aim to come up with
something which was a bridge between techNOH's more impenetrable landscapes
and his own architectural electronica. the result is an abstract but
compellingly beat driven monster that satisfies us no end. we urge you: buy
everything this man does...

illuminati house of delusion [4.46]

an effortlessly paranoid excursion into fear and loathing [population: 0]
with this new piece by david clarkson of the planetsounds label. house of
delusion is the sound of the fog and the mist, the roar of the clifftop at
nightfall - a truly eerie electronic work that defies categorization, despite
our best efforts.

thanks for reading and happy listening.
