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Re: [microsound] HELP! Sound vs. Space Project

The Australasian Computer Music Association recently held its 10th anniversary conference with the theme "Form, Space, Time: Music, Architecture and Design".

The Conference presented research and concerts which investigate the space in music through sonological research and musical practice. In acknowledging Xenakis' influence on inter-disciplinary thinking, research where concepts originating from sound based practices translated into other disciplines were sought.

Relevant themes included: the nexus between music, computers, architecture and design; recent software and tool developments; composition and performance projects where spatial relations are intrinsic to the project;
theory, criticism and listening involving computers, music, architecture and design. The conference included concerts, paper sessions, artist talks,
discussion panels and studio reports.

Intersections between architectural conceptions of space, and musical practice underlay nearly all Xenakis' sonic and spatial projects through processes of translation, where the common elements were form, space and time. Special events and guest visits that elaborate this conference theme were held.

I think you might find several papers of relevance to your project on the conference website:


Hope this helps,


On Thursday, August 1, 2002, at 12:11 AM, Jason Stickel wrote:

Good day to you all,

I am in the beginning stages of a project in which I will be exploring the relationship between physical space and sound, and the impact on one's interpretations of interior architecture as it relates to sound. Part of what we will be doing is assigning physical relationships between interior design through the use of AutoCAD, AutoMax, Wavefront, etc. for design and applying the exact dynamics and methodologies to software such as Acid so that we may develop an ambient track, for example, and represent that track physically within the scope of a constructed object.

This is fairly difficult to explain, but your feedback is important. Essentially, I am assisting a professor in Ohio State's School of Architecture with this for an exploratory design studio and we are working out the glitches in order to write a proposal for a grant. Part of the project will be a live demonstration in a gallery space and a lecture series for the students. We will, of course, construct molds and build the structures (think large spiral-like forms made from dhow rods and rice paper) from the 3D renderings and the musical/sound accompaniment will assist in trying to elicit a response. A text will be written and, hopefully, submitted to some major publications for review and possible publishing (think "Modernism" for example).

My questions pertain to the following:

1)  Where would I find similar projects for reference purposes
2)  What software would one recommend as the best to be used
3)  Web sites, articles, books anyone can recommend

Again, any information provided would be extremely helpful. We have a very vague scope in terms of this "experiment" and the point is to stimulate the students and encourage them to think more of THE PROCESS OF THOUGHT AS THE AESTHETIC INVOLVED IN THE DESIGN AS OPPOSED TO THE PHYSICALITY AND END RESULT OF THE DESIGN ITSELF. We have thought of taking live recordings of the project space during the gallery showing and even showing graphical displays of the same process on an overhead in real time as the event unfolds.

Again, any help is much appreciated.



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