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[microsound] Re: analytical vs continental philosophy & microsound
At 3:12 PM -0400 8/1/02, david turgeon wrote:
as wittgenstein himself suggested (translating freely): "what you
can't speak of, you mustn't speak of."
Yes, but at the close of the "Tractatus," he lists the topics about
which one must remain silent, and these include most of the key areas
of philosophical inquiry (for example, aesthetics, the self, and
ethics, if I recall correctly after more than a decade). To me - and
I realize many will disagree with this reading - this work is an
excercise in methodical exhaustion, in which an elaborate logical
exercise in pushed to a brilliantly tautological extreme at which
point one finds oneself to have reached the punch line of what must
be a joke: none of what has gone before works within the philosophic
purpose. In this sense the "Tractatus" distinguishes the logical
game from the philosophical game and hints that aesthetics (including
music) can indeed be discussed in philosophy but not inside of a
rigid and self-referential logic framework, and beyond that framework
Wittgenstein proceeded to go in his later work. Well, I am happy to
read here that people are actually reading and thinking about such
texts, and am enjoying these recent posts.
Joshua Maremont / Thermal - mailto:thermal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boxman Studies Label - http://www.boxmanstudies.com/