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(ann) new on no type: morceaux_de_machines + camp + ramon llull + sine fiction + octopus inc



because your entertainment comes at our own expense


---------------------------------------------------------- NEW FROM OUR TACTILE LINE

no type CDs are manufactured & distributed by diffusion i média <http://www.electrocd.com>

IMNT 0204  || http://www.notype.com/drones/releases/0204/
MORCEAUX_DE_MACHINES || liberum arbitrium

few acts are as relentlessly bombastic as MORCEAUX_DE_MACHINES, érick dorion & aimé dontigny's composite noise juggernaut from hell. but it may just be that nobody understands the profound tenderness of their compositions. to the discerning listener, these expert streams of cut-&-paste madness form a fantastic environment ripe for the most delicate discoveries. noise? who hears noise? only if you're not paying attention! of course, this new CD most definitely kicks ass from start to finish. what else to expect from the folks who brought you the frantic _cosmothérapie_? in _liberum arbitrium_ they set up a cosmic death match between heaven & hell & it's not likely to be taken for a pastoral... 8 seriously twisted improvisations that push computer music to its limits! says the all-music guide, it's "a serious contender to best noise album of 2002." we didn't make that up. you know you've been waiting for it. well, here it is.

(completists take note: érick & aimé wanted to keep their CD punchy & to the point, so they left a few songs out from the initial recording sessions. two of these outtakes were already featured on the _cosmothérapie_ release, but as a gift to their fans, & for the sake of completeness, the duo is offering 2 more tracks not found on the CD through our special _liberum arbitrium_ page. so if for some reason you're not happy with the choice of tracks, feel free to burn yourself a customised version with the songs you like best!)

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068  || http://www.notype.com/drones/singles/068
CAMP || socialiste

a long threatened release, the new _camp socialiste_ is now available for your perusal & reconstruction. if it seems complicated at first, read again. the premise is simple, but the result is not. an exercise in interlocking asynchronous loops based upon samples from no type all- stars, mixed up with a fair amount of chance operations, the result is quite recognizably CAMPesque, if somewhat more jagged than normal. but that might only be temporary, because the composition is open & someone might just find a smoother way to perform it. of course, another might find that it makes too much sense, & infuse some madness to the proceedings. we have no idea how it will end, do you?

069 || http://www.notype.com/drones/singles/069 RAMON LLULL || ramon llull

DICK RICHARDS is a wanted man. & yet, inbetween all the touring in chic european cities, hanging out with expensive minimal techno stars while working for the prime german labels who treasure his genuine funk & basslines of illicit depth, he still finds the time to hang out with us lowly, uncool no type dudes. but here i am mentioning dick richards, when this is RAMON LLULL we are talking about. now, ramon llull is serious about ambience. it has to feed off the walls, & build up into an architectonal scripture of sorts, whereby what you hear is the pushing up & down on the wave form itself. now, maybe we're reading too far into it, but it sounds good!

070 || http://www.notype.com/drones/singles/070 SINE FICTION featuring JAMES SCHIDLOWSKY || vol.III) the shockwave rider

initiated in 2000 under A_DONTIGNY's impulse, the SINE FICTION collection continues to expand with a third volume by no less than no type's new man in charge JAMES SCHIDLOWSKY & a fourth volume coming up on the next update. finally, one might say, as this constitutes the first online entry for james since his no type debut _previous>>next_, & the first with all new material. SINE FICTION, if you remember, is a collection of mini-albums inspired from a given science-fiction book. in james' case, the book of choice is john brunner's _the shockwave rider_, a tale of information technology gone bezerk. places & situations of the book are thus adapted by our composer who has made a point of dabble in things he doesn't usually do: the results are a stunning example of james' versatility. it might even make you want to read the book!

071 || http://www.notype.com/drones/singles/071 OCTOPUS INC || subcon sound museum

it is one patent injustice that we still have to introduce OCTOPUS INC despite two CDs of luminous beauty released on kracfive, the label he has founded with his friend colongib. noah sasso might be an enigma to some simply because he is nearly impossible to genre-peg. not only does he never do the same thing twice, what he does never sounds like anything you've heard elsewhere to begin with. vague reference points to weird electronic acts from köln or california do not even begin to describe the magic. _subcon sound museum_, his first no type release, exemplifies this. five tracks of lush collages, structures of texture that are full of detail & bristling with life. don't wait; revel!

---------------------------------------------------------- MORE RECENT ALBUMS | http://www.notype.com/drones/releases

IMNT 0205  || OEUF KORRECKT  || podweek
IMNT 0203  || MAGALI BABIN  || chemin de fer
IMNT 0201/02  || various artists  || the freest of radicals

067  || SLUTS ON TAPE  || eden ostrich farm
066  || HAMBURGLERS  || happy meal
065  || HEADPHONE SCIENCE  || number 65
064  || CHRIS DEGIERE  || automatos
063  || V. V.  || touch tone
062  || CLAUDIA BONARELLI  || boredom is counterrevolutionary
061  || KANITO  || _duo#3_esv3
060  || MY AMAZING ROBOT  || robot porn: the best of, 1983-2000

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