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Re: [microsound] song ID?

Philip wrote to microsound:

P> The sentences were awkward; I only remember two: "There's a summer
P> on the radio" and "There's a summer on the refrigerator". Please
P> take a minute to try to remember these songs, because they should
P> be unearthed if they have since been hidden."

That's "Donna Summer on the Radio" indeed (and also
donnasummerontherefrigerator and donnathedeaddonnathedead etc.). By
Steve Fisk, from the compilation _Regional Zeal: Mouth Music from the
Pacific Northwest_, a 1981 compilation on Palace of Lights Records.

Jim Flannery                                       newgrange@xxxxxxx

      I find myself always torn between two beliefs: the belief
      that life should be better than it is and the belief that
      when it appears better it is really worse.
                                               -- Graham Greene

np: Black Dice, _Cold Hands_
nr: William Godwin, _St. Leon_