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Re: [microsound] call for: screenshots of Max/MSP performance UI's
if u r interested in nato UI´s aswell please contact:
he´s running the nato course i just advertised (and now am replying to a
thread which is not spam ;) (re: new [] - [m] and [spam]...subject by paul
he actually build a very handy interface for his nato app...
> hello,
> I am doing a Max/MSP workshop in Mannheim, Germany next month...the focus
> of the workshop will be performance-based user interface design...I need
> some .jpg screenshots/examples of musicians Max/MSP performance UI's...
> please send a screenshot, a little blurb about the basic functionality of
> the UI and any special philosophical aspects incorporated...send the text
> in the body of the email...
> also, include where it was used in concert as well as the name of the
> artist/project...
> please send them directly to this email address as either .sit or .sea
> stuffit archives
> of course the screenshots used will get credit so send the text for how you
> want to be credited
> thanks in advance
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