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- Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 18:56:50 -0500
- >(<http: //www.netstumbler.org>www.netstumbler.org)very easy to use.
- >(<http: //www.kismetwireless.net>www.kismetwireless.net)(students.washington.edu/rlotz/swn/iw-scan/iw-scan)
- >(<http: //www.dis.org/wl/wi-scan>http://www.dis.org/wl/wi-scan)
- >(<http: //homepage.mac.com/typexi/Personal1.html>http://homepage.mac.com/typexi/Personal1.html)
- >-freebsd: wi-scan
- >-linux: Kismet, iw-scan
- >-mac: Ap Scanner
- >-windows: Netstumbler
- >1: 00pm the wardriving begins. Stop whenever you feel like it.
- >12: 00pm - 1:00pm "Wardriving for Newbies" (if there's enough demand)
- >9: 00pm party at deadtech. It's Phillips birthday! Come sing happy birthday!
- ><http: //www.netstumbler.com>www.netstumbler.com
- ><http: //www.wardriving.com>www.wardriving.com
- ><http: //www.seattlewireless.net>www.seattlewireless.net
- ><http: //www.personaltelco.net>www.personaltelco.net
- ><http: //www.securitytribe.com/wardrive.html>www.securitytribe.com/wardrive.html
- >after-party!:
- >from: Rob Ray <rob@deadtech.net>
- >prize: We'll see if we can't drum up a cool prize for most confirmed
- >time: 9:00 PM till MIDNIGHT or so. Beer and DJ's will be provided.
- >when: Start/end times are up for grabs but here's the tentative schedule.
- >where: DEADTECH. <http://www.deadtech.net>http://www.deadtech.net
- >x-accept-language: en-us, en
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