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This might be of interest to some:


> >CTM.03 | [PLAY GLOBAL !]
> >
> >31.01 - 08.02. 2003
> >
> >club transmediale
> >festival for electronic music + related visual art
> >part of the international media art festival berlin
> >transmediale
> >
> >
> >
> >[CTM.03]
> >
> >club transmediale is the media art festival´s experimental platform for
new forms of electronic music and media art in the context of sound- and
club culture. In 2003 the next appearance of club transmediale will take
place from January 31th till February 9th at a venue soon to be announced .
> >
> >In the tradition of the (non)voluntary nomadism of berlins club culture,
club transmediale annually builds a completely new club-infrastucture at a
changing venue. Its aim is to present the most outstanding international
productions in electronic music and audiovisual performance, as well as to
reflect recent artistic and technical developments in panels, screenings and
artist presentations. The club´s aesthetic space will be created in its
visual, functional and social aspects by a selection of artists and
> >
> >club transmediale encourages the crossover of institutional, academic and
subcultural contexts. It tries to uphold the idea of the "club" as a
physical space whose uniqueness lies in its relative non-definition, giving
a wide scope for the interplay of divergent media, formats and artistic
approaches. CTM wants to provide a platform for the experimental development
of the potentials of electronic music and its interaction with visual art. I
n addition, it aims to make the results of this process accessible to a
wider audience. As a forum of communication between artists, visitors and
producers, it brings the social dimensions of media technology to center
> >
> >
> >
> >transmediale.03 and club transmediale.03 deal with the artistic and
cultural effects of globalisation.
> >
> >Globalisation is a process in which world-wide relationships are possible
at all levels of society. In the course of this process, we not only see the
expansion of economic, political and military constellations. The world is
turning into a multi-layered social space for which new cultural concepts
have to be developed so that individuals and groups are able to act
globally. Mobile communication, telematic tools, world-wide collaborative
structures and global political alliances create a new cultural landscape,
governed by rules which still have to be established and learned 'Play
global!' is meant as a challenge to artists and creative practitioners to
make them propose concepts and ideas for this new, global field of  action
and interaction. Is there a new artistic language of the global? What is the
relationship between an individual's local existence and his or her social
environment, which is less and less locally determined and can include
collaborators, partners and friends working at the other end of the world?
> >
> >Obviously, the challenge to participate in the 'global game' is not
without irony. The so-called 'global players', companies and conglomerates,
use their extensive networks and huge masses of capital to transgress
national borders, viewing the entire world as their playground. The festival
will present critical, confident and playful responses to this scenario.
> >
> >[GO EAST !]
> >
> >Electronic music, as a musical form whose focal point is the aesthetic
and conceptual exploration of its own electronic condition, is widely seen
as a specific phenomenon of western culture. With the discourse of
postcolonialism and the debates on the effects of globalisation, an
awareness of the manifold movement from the periphery to the alleged
(western) centre became obvious. Influences of non-western, non-European and
often traditional music have lead the current music production to the
development of new hybrids, which also have widened the concept of
contemporary club sound. This development has its origins in the urban
centres of the west and its protagonists are, for the most part, migrants
from former colonial territories. But the production of music in the
peripheral territories themselves - at least if referring to contemporary
electronic music -  is generally little noticed. This situation does not do
justice to the actual local artistic production and slows down the
development of local networks. A fact that is especially true to the recent
electronic music of eastern Europe. Next year a special programme of club
transmediale.03 wants to explore the current situation of electronic music
production in eastern Europe and help to break open ingrained misconceptions
about what is peripheral and what is central. The festival theme, Play
Global!, this way also focuses on recent developments of Berlin¹s nearby
eastern neighbours and hopes to stimulate an exchange, which despite the 12
years following the fall of the Berlin wall, still leaves much to wish for.
> >
> >
> >club transmediale is looking for recent projects in the fields of
electronic music, audiovisual performance, video / VJing, Soundart,
Installation and club design. Proposals can, but do not have to relate to
the festival theme 'play global!'.
> >
> >Accepted media: Vinyl, Audio-CDs, S-VHS and VHS-tapes, Mini-DV-tape
(Pal), DVDs, CD-ROMs, Zip cartridges, Floppy Discs (3.5), Web-sites.
> >
> >Language
> >Please use English, French or German for descriptions and CVs.
> >
> >Costs
> >Costs for entries are carried by the sender. Return mail is possible only
if: in Germany, a self- addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed.
> >from abroad, a $10 bill or a Euro 10 bill is enclosed, no checks.
> >
> >Customs Declarations
> >The club transmediale will only accept packages from abroad if the
customs declaration forms have been completed correctly. Packages dispatched
from outside the European Union must bear the following information:
> >indication of the content plus the note "Not for trade - temporary loan
for festival. Value = 0".
> >
> >
> >the club transmediale is the independent initiative of an artists
collective which has its roots in Berlin´s club culture:
> >
> >
> >Marc Weiser > weiser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Musician (Rechenzentrum) and labelowner (Data Error Music).
> >
> >Jan Rohlf > jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Visual artist and designer.
> >
> >Remco Schuurbiers  remco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >video artist, VJ, part of the team of the Sonic Acts Festival in
> >
> >Oliver Baurhenn > oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >independent curator, part of the medialab aroma, Berlin.
> >
> >for further information and inquiries:
> >http://www.clubtransmediale.de
> >mailto:postbox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >see also http://www.transmediale.de
> >
> >club transmediale
> >|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> >http://www.clubtransmediale.de
> >|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> >
> >oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >kastanienallee 34
> >10435 berlin
> >
> >fon +49 (0)30 43 73 5504
> >fax +49 (0)30 43 73 5505
> >mobil +49 (0)179 244 71 32
> >
> >||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||