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USB iMic
when I was performing in Zagreb my <audio out> jack went kaput...this
was caused by sudden physical stress on the jack while my laptop while
plugged into a mixer...unable to work on planes or trains without
getting requests from people to please turn down the noise, I looked
into what it would cost me to get a new power/audio card for my
Pismo...the power/audio out card cost around $200 but the actual
replacement is a bitch...I found a webpage online containing someone's
experience of trying to replace this card themselves and it didn't seem
like something I wanted to try with my laptop...
so today I was purusing MacWorld and I ran across a blurb for this
Griffin Technology USB iMic for $35 which is hell of a lot cheaper (and
easier to install) than buying a card and getting someone to install
kim cascone
current location: San Francsico
reading: "The Culture Industry" - Theodor Adorno
listening: "Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano" - John Cage (Mode)
Yahoo! - We Remember
9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 lives lost