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RE: [microsound] Re: Ableton Live
i would add that the VST implementation is very robust and allows for
external MIDI control of VST effects parameters.
also in addition to the live aspect of LIVE, it has an arrangment section
which I have used a lot... it works incredibly well... is very intuitive,
and makes for a great "compositional" tool, albeit in the realm of "loop
-----Original Message-----
From: e.g.ø
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 9/18/02 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] Re: Ableton Live
I have recently use it for live improvvisations. Fundamentally ableton
is a mixer of loops: you have various tracks in which you put your
loops and then you mix the loops. You can apply filters to each track
and you can also record the improvvisation. I know it supports VST but
I haven't tried this yet. The loop stretching is very intuitive.
It is a program very easy to use and good for improvvisations.
e.g.ø :: http://eeegggooo.cjb.net
> Has anyone on the list used Ableton live? Ive heard some really grea
> things about it. Ive been to their site but cant find the cost of th
> software anywhere?
> Has anyone used it for a live performance? What have been your experi
> with it if any at all?
> Thanks in advance
> aLEKs
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