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RE: [microsound] Re: Ableton Live

yes to all. got it for US $235 or thereabouts.

have used it live pretty extensively. two laptops sync'd together via MIDI.
Mixing live using Tascam US 428's as controllers and audio outputs. The only
complaint I have is that the US 428's did not have a "cue" output, so we had
to fly by the seat of our pants... which added excitement and occasionally
"glitches" to the otherwise seamless (!) mixes. 

-----Original Message-----
From: bvasic
To: microsound
Sent: 9/18/02 3:06 PM
Subject: [microsound] Re: Ableton Live

Has anyone on the list used Ableton live?  Ive heard some really great
things about it.  Ive been to their site but cant find the cost of the
software anywhere?

Has anyone used it for a live performance? What have been your
with it if any at all?

Thanks in advance


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