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bigg thanks to all

hi to all,
recently i returned from the asian jungle, not the music-style but real
no electricity or running water and ofcourse no PC (yes, live is possible
without them).
On my return, a few weeks ago, i was quite exited to get back in front of
this PC. My
friends told me already that things had gonne wrong concerning free music on
the web, mp3's,
web radio, the IIRA etc... you all now the storry. So i was a bit anxious to
find out.
But no worry's, i've told them a million times that signing up on the
"microsound mailinglist"
is one of the best things that happened to me on the net. I have no problem
stuff/info on a great varaity of subjects, and oh so manny hours of
listening pleasure.
And thanks to all of you out there i only have to open up my mailbox to have
a bussy
day on the web, or find out who's playing where and what has been released.
This microsound-list is just fantastic couse it works. A verry big thanks to
all of you for
making the effort of posting all this info, it's verry mutch apreciated at
this side of the screen.


this weeks fav:

akufen - my way
electric birds - gaduation
pimmon - secret sleeping birds
dockstaeder - apocalypse
4 hero - creating patterns
this last one is a real heaven, clearly organised, no more scrolling through
endless list
to find stuff thats only working half. safe this one and delete the others.

next weeks fav:
pimmon live ..................28/09/2002: Recyclart, Brussels
have fun......................................plastico..........
