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Re: [microsound] about samples
speaking of field recordings...I would just die to get my hands on a portable
DAT. Anybody know whats going on with those things. Wil they be around much longer, are they still expensive? Am I better off with a Mini-disk recorder and a mic?
::thanks:: Le>>+h@n
scissors for sparrow wrote:
>of course you are right, but still I cannot understand what kind of
>gratification an artist (in general) may have in copying other
>people "ideas". But maybe all this discussion is getting too much O.T.
oh, copying ideas is totally different. that's pepsi land! horrible and
when it comes to sounds, though, people will use field recordings in an
attempt to 'privatise' naturally (i use the term loosely here) existing
sounds; it's a very complex value system that differentiates one sound from
another. anyway, think about the 'amen' breakbeat -- is there anything in
the world like it? sorry, i just love the shit out of jungle. :-)
have a good week/end!
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o f f w o r l d a u d i o
"In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is
weird and people take Prozac to make it normal."