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Re:[microsound] Re:[microsound] Re: Ableton Live

Actually, what I'd like is an application which simply works like a number
of pro MD players connected to a mixing console, and which can be controlled
by MIDI (eg Peavey PC 1600). In Live, the way you drag soundfiles from a
browser to different slots which can be triggered by MIDI notes, and the
possibility to control the volume of each sample after (or before) it's been
triggered, was pretty close to what I was looking for, except for the
timestretch. I found the workarounds to be too clumbsy. Also, I'd like to be
able to pause a soundfile, or jump within it, like you can with an MD. I
can't believe the application I've been looking for doesn't exist, it's so
obvious, but I still haven't come across it. How do theatres and radio
stations across the world exist without it? And the rest of us! Travelling
with a laptop or 16 MD players makes a hell of a difference!!

d. 19/09/02 16:28 skrev David Fodel på DFodel@xxxxxxxxxxxx:

> I believe if you disable "analysis" and set the tempo to the original
> samples tempo you can achieve what you describe below... but you  may have
> been better served by just loading a bunch of samples into BIAS Deck, or
> Sound Edit or some such multi-track software.
> David Fodel
> Publishing Systems Manager
> Wild Oats Markets
> 3375 Mitchell Lane
> Boulder, CO 80301
> Direct: 720-562-4831
> Fax: 303-938-8474
>> ----------
>> From:  Martin Vognsen
>> Reply To:  microsound
>> Sent:  Thursday, September 19, 2002 2:50 AM
>> To:  microsound
>> Subject:  [microsound] Re:[microsound] Re: Ableton Live
>> I used Live v1 a little bit on a project last winther. A fun way to come
>> up
>> with loop based material fast. I like the sound of the timestretch/pitch
>> which is nowhere near "natural" sounding. Lots of that and volume cranked
>> up
>> beyond reason and you're well on your way to a good time.
>> What annoyed me was that you couldn't disable timestretch. Live would
>> always
>> fit the length of any imported sound file to the loop length (or some
>> multiple of it). To be sure, that's what Live is all about, that's what's
>> cool about it, but for one-shots it would be nice to be able to just play
>> a
>> sample as it is. (Actually, what I was searching for at the time was more
>> something like a play out system for radio broadcast - kind of like Live
>> without the whole loop/tempo thing).
>> I haven't checked Live since v1, tho.
>> m
>> d. 18/09/02 23:06 skrev bvasic på bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>>> Has anyone on the list used Ableton live?  Ive heard some really great
>>> things about it.  Ive been to their site but cant find the cost of the
>>> software anywhere?
>>> Has anyone used it for a live performance? What have been your
>> experiences
>>> with it if any at all?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> aLEKs
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