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Re: [microsound] CDR Project : Call for Submissions: AntiWar Theme
Great to see so much interest!
Chris, can you please email me offlist to let me know whether or not you
received my track from online?
ph!L /thom.son/
curator of c e n t i b e l : http://centibel.vze.com
and Everything: http://everything.does.it
personal website: http://www3.telus.net/thisisphil/
releases: synat on acidfake (macedonia)
scan on s'agita recordings(italy)
speaker/interlocutor on xenophony media (canada)
Get the FREE email that has everyone talking at
<-----Original Message----->
>From: Ant Weiss
>Sent: 26/9/2002 12:48:02 AM
>To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [microsound] CDR Project : Call for Submissions: AntiWar
>Hi, Chris!
>Living in Israel, with this bloody war
>being a real pain in the ass, I think it will be only natural for me to
> Let me know the details - where to post. etc.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Chris Bellevie"
>Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 7:16 PM
>Subject: [microsound] CDR Project : Call for Submissions: AntiWar Theme
> At the risk of receiving much hate mail...
> Putting together a CDR compilation of material that
> focuses on an antiwar theme and currently looking
> for submissions, which can pretty much be anything
> that clearly makes a call for 'no war'. Songs, cutups,
> field recordings, recorded messages, etc are all
> acceptable as long as they meet the requirement of
> being clearly against war.
> Everyone contributing to the compilation will receive a
> copy. The idea is that from there, anyone who has a
> copy can freely make their own copies to distribute for
> free. I personally plan on handing out copies of the
> finished CDR at antiwar events, appropriate local music,
> stores and leaving copies at the local indymedia center
> and will hopefully be able to make the compilation available
> via the internet (high quality mp3s, possibly wavs).
> I will also make a flier with information about the compilation
> and any information contributors wish to include that will be
> a companion to the CDR.
> No one makes money (and I suppose if you distribute, you go in the
> hole a little), but it's a way to express an antiwar opinion through
> art.
> If interested in the project, send me an email. I would prefer to get
> all submissions on CDR, but will accept high quality mp3s also.
> There is no real deadline at this point, simply hoping that if anyone
> is interested they will be able to submit as soon as possible.
> Any questions, just let me know.
> www.notinourname.net
> www.notinourname-seattle.net
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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