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23.08.02 / 06.09.02 / 20.09.02: Framework playlists

Framework is broadcast alternate Fridays on Resonance FM, 104.4 in London (UK),
or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm GMT.
(time zone converter: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/?h=8&mn=30&ap=pm&mo=10&d=4&y=2002&f=GB)

Next broadcast: 04.10.02


Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by Joel Stern and Patrick McGinley

A recent computer meltdown has left us out of touch for the past several weeks, but the show has gone on as normal.  Hence this is a special edition of our playlist: 3 shows in one!  There has been a lot great music passing through our halls, culminating in a special 2 hour broadcast this past Friday.  Thanks, as always, to all of you who've been sending in submissions.

One more thing:  our next show, October 4th, features a live performance by San Francisco's Nuuk, and, if all goes well, Michael Northam will be making an appearance in the next few weeks as well.

Again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings or field recording based composition.  Send material, released or not, on any format, to the address below.   We are also hoping to have live performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through London please get in touch! 

31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL



(artist  /  title  /  album  /  label)

*Seth Nehil / jgrzinich  /  Tome Gather (excerpt)  /  stria  /  Erewhon
organic deep layered soundfields from a series of group recordings made over 3 years
www.kaon.org/seth_nehil/pages/index2.htm, www.kaon.org/~jgrzinich, www.radiantslab.com/erewhon

*mnortham  /  observations of wind at molecular states of evolution (excerpt)  /  :coyot:  /  Erewhon
wind-sourced drones from aeolian wind harps constructed in Finland
mnortham@xxxxxxxx, preg.org/~mnortham, www.radiantslab.com/erewhon

*Rolf Julius  /  Black  /  White-Yellow-Black /  Small Music Vol.1 
electron buzzer instuments and nature sounds from Brazil and Japan. 

*Walter Marchetti  /  Coma vigile  /  Antibarbarus: exit musica  /  Alga Marghen
contemporary musical expression and compositional praxis in the dominion of inauthenticity, towards the impasse of a cognitive mutilation. 
http://www.interpretations.info/marchetti.htm , http://www.metamute.com/mfiles/

*Brion Gysin  /  c  /  The Pool (KII)  /  Alga Marghen
textless soundwork. sounds from a public swimming pool with unidentified musicians recorded in the late 50's or early 60's
info: ramatta@xxxxxx

*MSBR.Dire Insomnia  /  Ideal Siesta  /  S.Isabella.Pleroma (compilation)  /  Xerxes
harsh cut-ups and reconstruction from yasutoshi yoshida
xerxes@xxxxxxxxxxxx , http://xerxes.chat.ru/
*Dan Warburton / Jean-Luc Guionnet / Eric La Casa  /  track 1 (excerpt)  /  Metro Pre Saint Gervais  /  Chloe
improvisation for alto sax, violin, and microphones recorded live in the Paris Metro
DWarbur928@xxxxxxx, guionnet.jean-luc@xxxxxxxxxx, ascendre@xxxxxxx, www.mikebullock.com/chloe/chloe.html

*put put  /  script for an apology  /  Decay (compilation)  /  Ash International
refrigerator recorded, manipulated, and mixed live at home in London



(artist  /  title  /  album  /  label)

*Jonathan Coleclough / Colin Potter  /  Beech Flutter (excerpt, w/ Tim Hill)  /  Low Ground  /  ICR
field recordings from Parkwood and classic Coleclough drones
www.minya98.freeserve.co.uk, http://www.i-c-r.freeserve.co.uk

*Vitriol  /  randonee 0.06  /  randonee 0.06   /  sirr
performed and remixed by Paulo Raposo and Carlos Santos. recorded in Lisbon and Berlin
www.geocities.com/sirr_pt/index.html , sirr.ecords@xxxxxxx 

*Eric La Casa  /  l'air au fond du rouge /  sul - dedicated to chris marker  (compilation) /  sirr
a great release featuring oren ambarchi, m.behrens, pimmon...
www.geocities.com/sirr_pt/index.html , sirr.ecords@xxxxxxx 

*M Behrens  /  Architectural Commentary 1  /  Architectural Commentaries  /  cmr
beautifully packaged release from New Zealand label cmr and German sound artist Behrens
www.cmr.co.nz , mail@xxxxxxxxx  

*Annea Lockwood  /  World Rhythms (excerpt)  /  Sinopah  /  Experimental Intermedia
Untreated field collage featuring volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, geysers, peepers, waves and fire...

*Joel Stern  /  1  /  unplugged:jodphur  /  twothousandand
small stones vibrate in resonating frying pans at loch maree, Scottish highlands
www.twothousanand.com , sternjoel@xxxxxxxxxxx 

*Mirror  /  1 (excerpt)  /  Solaris  /  Idea
Christoph Heeman and Andrew Chalk's brilliant collaboration. gentle recorded atmospheres and tonal improvisation. 

*Connucopia  /  (excerpt)  /  c  /  The Locus of Assemblage
shifting crunchy field work from Puerto Rico
cornucopiapr@xxxxxxxxxxx, www.nullvoid.net/cornucopia, www.assemblage.freeuk.com

*Toyisha Tsunoda  /  Gas Cylinder  /  extract from field recording archives #3 : solid vibration  /  intransitive
more stunning recordings from Tsunoda seemingly endless archives. A Framework Tsunoda special is imminent.
tsunoda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx , http://www.create-transmit.com/intransitive/ 



(artist  /  title  /  album  /  label)

*Francisco Lopez  /  (excerpt)  /  La Selva  /  V2 Archief
classic thick buzzing untreated collage of sounds from a neotropical rainforest
www.franciscolopez.net, www.v2.nl/Archief

*Bill Thompson  /  tracks 1 - 6  /  19 one-minute remixes  /  unreleased
series of one minute-field recording remixes, subtle and quiet
noise@xxxxxxxxx, www.ecolirecords.com

*Steven Vitiello and Tetsu Inoue with Andrew Deutsch /  -  /  Humming Bird Feeder   /  Lucky Kitchen
Lovely, delicately sculpted, first-time collaboration between these veteran sound artists. It all started with Vitiello putting a contact mic into a bird feeder

*Aaron Hull  /  free improvisation (w/ J Ambroisine)  /  Foundry  /  unreleased
live improv duo of pure time explorations

*Koura /  osu (parts 5 + 6)  /  Koura  /  unreleased
stunning attention-demanding binaural recordings processed live with no multi-tracking or editing
www.koura.us, brian@xxxxxxxx

*Joel Stern  /  pebbles thrown down steps leading to a fast moving river

*Einsturzende Neubauten  /  Kuchen Rezpt von Einsturzende Neubauten  /  an anthonlogy of noise and experimental music: first a-chronology 1921-2001  /  sub rosa
the sound of utensils in the studio's kitchen as heard from the recording area

*Toy Bizarre  /  tracks 2, 5, 8 - 13, and 21  /  kdi dctb 93  /  taalem
a selection of wonderful and bizarre untreated field recordings identified only by their lattitude and longitude, time and date
toy.bizarre@xxxxxxxx, www.kaon.org/toybizarre/index.php3

*Joel Stern  /  unidentifiable slovene drone

*Jean-Francois Laporte  /  Mantra  /  Mantra  /  Metamkine
hypnotic 20 minute drone created from a hockey rink ice compression machine

*Nemeton  /  beachfront and amusement arcade at Sherringham  /  windmill mix  /  unreleased
field improv manipulated on site at Haslingham windmill

*murmer  /  untreated recording of an Alitalia flight to Sicily (from the inside) 

*John Watermann  /  Fourth Shudder Project  /  Calcutta Gas Chamber  /  ND
abstract composition constrused from recordings made inside a gas chamber

*James Dunn  /  sitting on a creaky venetian chair