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[microsound] laptops live at the ica.
Ernest Fasanya writes:
> did anyone else see ikeda, nicolai and vainio do their 'laptops
> live' on tuesday at the ica in london?
> if so, do you have any idea how the visuals were achieved?
Nope. But I thought they were excellent. Some sort of oscilloscope
principle was involved, I assume, and it seemed to me that the image
had three parts corresponding to each of member the trio, each of
which would react to their music.
> i found it a fascinating, very nicely judged set which managed to be
> both pounding and precise at the same time.
Definitely a successful collaboration, and one I really enjoyed --
best gig I've seen in a while -- but I did feel it leant
disproportionately towards Mika's Panasonic sound. Mind you, maybe
that's no bad thing since (as usual) there were plenty of people
gobbing during the performance and a quieter set would have been