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Sound Links on Slashdot Today
What Math Actually Sounds Like
"If Verdi had a math fetish and a computer, would he be John Greschak?
Greschak composes music based upon the mathematical properties of various
mathematical objects (e.g. a six-sided die or pentominoes). He writes
computer programs to realize devised algorithms and uses the results of
these processes as source material for musical pieces. Greschak's newest
addition, Platonic Dice: Dodecahedron for 12 woodwinds, was created by using
musical material derived from the mathematical properties of one of the
Platonic dice. Well, its not Verdi, but its definitely interesting."
NASA Music Out of This World
"With detection instruments on NASA's Voyagers, Galileo, Cassini and other
spacecraft, University of Iowa physicist Dr. Don Gurnett recorded waves that
course through outer space. Gurnett converted the plasma waves into sounds
which inspired a 10-movement musical composition called "Sun Rings." Sample
the sounds from Galileo, Voyager and Cassini. (Full Story)"