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Re: RE: [microsound] influence vs. replica

On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 06:56:29PM -0500, Elisha wrote:
> I mostly agree with you Dave, however I do think computers have 
> neanderthal human interfaces.  In fact, I once wrote a short 
> story from the perspective of a computer.  It was all about 
> it's frustration at attempting to communicate with human 
> beings.  There is only so much data we can manipulate at a time 
> with fingers.  But it is direct manipulation.  When a person 
> arranges something for a bunch of instruments to be played by 
> humans they have control only insomuch as the musicians stick 
> to the page.  This is not very direct.  Anyway, my point is 
> that human interfaces suck because humans don't think in terms 
> of bytes but there is nothing to compare it to, yet.

Ok, this is more of a reply the the original post and the idea of the
computer as a neanderthal interface...

Since when do we use bytes to compose music?  Since when is programming, 
a language with many more intricacies than written music, neanderthal?  Or do
you mean the keyboard as interface...which is a lot more simple than a piano 
but a lot more complex than any neanderthal tool.  

I think computers are a highly advanced interface.  They let us create
much more elaborate and abstract ideas while at the same time being able
to hear what they sound like instantly.  How many composers of the past
have said that the music wrote itself?  Look at bach...he just figured
out the algorithm and wrote it out...he played the organ...the original
synthesizer (additive).

I think the main difficulty people have with computers is that they
think of the computer as a replacement for the "performer."  When you
compose a piece of music on paper for somebody else to play, it's
usually understood that the musician will have a large part in the
creative process of the music, in effect making them part composer.  It
wasn't until the 20th century that composers starting spelling out every
little detail (webern, xenakis, etc.)...which really was just moving
towards computers.

I don't think computers are the only way, but I like them....

