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Re: [microsound] [OT] GYBE!

i read this somewhere as well but don't recall the exact source. perhaps it was the Bent Crayon forthcoming list or something?

i had the pleasure of seeing them live last spring on one of their rare US shows and it was phenomenal. easily one of the best live shows i've ever seen in terms of music and film presentation (and trust me, i've seen a lot of shows!).

i hope they tour again.


i think they've changed their name
from: godspeed you black emperor!
to: godspeed! you black emperor  :)
i'm not sure, but i read about this somewhere...

 GYBE! has a new album coming out in early November,
 "yanqui u.x.o."
 Doesn't look like any tour dates any time soon.
 There are also plenty of
 side projects from various members, including
 Exhaust, Set Fire to Flames, etc.


> G.

loam "meditations (on john ashKroft)" and
"cassette hiss guitar" (part of palimpsest project)

loam s/t cd (topscore 4) still available
coming soon: "1:11"