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Re: [microsound] who is nn?

At 2:25 PM -0800 11/3/02, brett lockspeiser wrote:

>who is nn and what's her issue?

As well as I've been able to determine, Netochka Nezvanova is a 
persona invented by a group of male artist/programmer/provocateurs 
who for several years have delighted in disrupting various e-mail 
groups while also producing some apparently well-designed software 
and intriguing digital art. I say "apparently" because I personally 
haven't cared to get beyond the tekno-snotty facade and ascii 
neologisms. It has been suggested that the female person representing 
herself as nn is actually an actress hired by this group. She is 
reported to be quite facile at presenting the propaganda but has 
little real knowledge of the technology produced by the group.

As to the Cycling74 issue, nn has been undertaking legal action 
against Cycling74 because the group alleges that some elements of 
C74's Jitter have been based on their own nato objects. I have no 
direct information of any of this, but it has been suggested that nn 
are just blowing hot air. In any case, I'm more likely to trust in 
Cycling74. At least I know who they are!

Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202
