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Re: [microsound] who is nn?

Im not getting involved with this one but all I can say is that you have
probally opened up the largest stinkiest can of worms youll ever open in
your life...
have fun...

On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, brett lockspeiser wrote:

> i know there are c74 employees on this list, so i don't mean to offend any
> one here -
> i was searching for the sndmgrin~ object and a came across this page:
> http://www.m9ndfukc.org/cycling74/
> who is nn and what's her issue? is there something legitmate here?
> i certainly don't like to muckrake, but considering that i paid $300 for
> that software, i like to know where my money goes.
> you can send me private repsonses if you don't think it's appropriate for
> the list or don't want to start any flames...
> thanks, brett.
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