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Re: [microsound] OT: Glitchmachine

funny, I like it, nice to play around with it and relax.
> Von: ":::synthetic waste:::" <syntheticwaste@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Datum: 2002/11/04 Mo AM 08:41:44 CET
> An: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Betreff: [microsound] OT: Glitchmachine
> i have made a 'glitchmachine' using flash, just for the fun
> of it...thought i'd post it, in case anyone would try it out...
> find it here
> http://www.glitchmachine.rom.cd
> the moving picture has a soundclip for every picture, and if pressed
> it will trigger it. the 6 buttons on the top also triggers various
> clicks, glitches etc. feedback is always appreciated :)
> -kasper
> ---------
> c:\>synthetic waste
> INPUT>>>> http://www.syntheticwaste.tk
> OUTPUT>>> glitch, microsound, clicks, minimal, microwaves, cut-ups
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