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Re: [microsound] who is nn?
since IRCAM are producing software for Max/MSP and even selling the product
to its members ... I would guess there is a legitimate license between IRCAM
and c74.
----- Original Message -----
From: "brett lockspeiser" <blocks@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] who is nn?
> thanks for the interesting responses everyone....
> just to focus the issue a little bit: from what i can gleam nn seems to
> think the c74's licensing of MAX from IRCAM is somehow going on improperly
> and that an american company is profiting from a product paid for by
> public funds in france - but somehow in a way that's just not kosher.
> now my first impression is to think this must be totally offbase,
> considering that products like pd and jmax are out there and free and
> that c74 provides a whole host of services that make it worth to buy
> max/msp instead of using the free alternatives- but is
> there information i'm missing? anyone understand the issies involved here?
> for example, on the nato issue - since max is not owned my c74, is there
> any reason that nn should expect to be able to get code from c74 to make
> nato into a stand alone app, or is she just being immature?
> it's a pretty interesting issue - intellectual proptery and international
> law and corporate structure and all - this could be the springboard for
> other discussions.
> brett.
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